Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Ponies won't need to be rescued if they have a purpose.
People with mobility issues would have freedom if ponies could pull them around.
The iBex makes it possible.
Help Ponies help people help ponies and so on ad infinitum.
Why, because people like ponies and ponies like people, ditto

I met Linda the lady driving Obama in the picture, half an hour before the picture was taken. I met Mike her husband on Exmouth Beach on Boxing Day. He saw the iBex and loved the idea because Linda could get down to the beach for the first time since moving to Exmouth 12 years ago.  That was all it needed.

Now, when her grandchildren visit, Linda can get down to the beach and see them playing in the surf rather than sitting on the promenade. The project is really simple and I believe worthwhile.

This is also a website, the tabs at the top will take you to the various sections,  which explain the project in more detail. Any offers of help gratefully accepted. Any questions answered....within reason.

Contact Simon  Mulholland on 07929 524260 or

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